“Uprooting Stereotypes through Research and Allyship”

“Uprooting Stereotypes through Research and Allyship”

Back in the mid 1990s when girls were not using computers nearly so much as boys, I embarkedon a research journey to create games that would engage them, bolster their confidence withtechnology, and offer them an environment and characters in which they could see themselves.That journey led to the founding of Purple Moon Media.Challenging stereotypes means meeting people where they are. My work has involved human-centered qualitative research with diverse populations, including tween girls, little boys, babyboomers in the US, and young American adults. In every case, interviewing them, at home or inother venues, has led to surprising results and design innovations. I will show a few of theseprojects with an emphasis on methodology - not only research methods but also how we candeal with our own biases and manifest intentions for the Good. Most recently I have beenengaged with Queer, Latino, Black, and Transgender designers in a quest for equity andeffective allyship in the design community.

Come join me at my





February 18, 2021





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